Hi and Assalamualaikum,

For this co-curricular activity, I join USIM's Volunteerism Science Club. Club ini memang akan buat satu program yang besar untuk ahli. Kami buat di SK Batang Benar, Negeri Sembilan. Guess what? I jadi MC. Nervous juga mula mula nak jadi MC. But this is the best experience I've ever had. Bestnya sebab i jadi MC secara spontan, so tak ada nak ikut formalities. Before this, semua script dah ada. Kalau program ini, kita kena ambil perhatian students, alhamdulillah they enjoyed our programme. I know, ramai yang buat program with students so i think there is no much words to explain right?

So basically what our tentative looks like:
- Ice Breaking
- LDK 1
- LDK 2 : Explorace
- LDK 3 : Sharing Moment
- Majlis Penutupan
